Wednesday, August 27, 2014

A Tree Grows Outside My Window

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life."
Proverbs 13:12
My computer is on my desk in a corner of my den. And to the left of my desk is a window, so as I sit here writing, I can look out into my front yard and across the street.  There are no houses directly across the street, just a really nice small lot with lots of trees and shrubs.  Directly beyond that is the railroad tracks and beyond that is a very busy Route 2A.  My view faces the west and the afternoon sun shines brightly into my den and heats it up, both summer and winter.  There is only shrubbery in my front yard, so there is nothing to block the sun.  Somehow, I don't mind it too much during the winter, but in the summer, it gets a might warm!!! 
When we bought this house, the front yard (which is a hill going directly to the road) was developed as a garden, with flowers, and lots of shrubbery.  It, however, had not been taken care of in some time, so it was quite overgrown.  We moved into this house in the summer time, so it wasn't until the following year that we had the time and resources to do something about this garden.  We hired landscapers to clean it up, lay down black landscaping tarp and woodchips over the entire area.  Turns out the tarp was faulty and within 2 years, it was all overgrown again!!
Unbeknownst to me, a seed had fallen, germinated and took root.  And now a tree grows outside my window!  When I first noticed this tree, I became very excited!  You see, as this tree continues to grow, it will eventually provide shade for my den!!

As I reflected on this tree and what it would mean for my future here, it reminded me of the above Scripture about hope.  Hope that as this tree grows, it will provide much needed shade for me.
When we have no hope or our hope is deferred (prolonged, removed; delayed), our heart is sick.  We feel that we have nothing to look forward to, nothing to live for.  But when the longing is fulfilled; our hope is  rewarded, Scripture says "it is a tree of life."  The roots go down deep in our hearts and it produces life.
I look forward to that tree growing, planting it's roots deep in the soil and providing shade for years to come!  It's produced hope in my heart.
Sometimes reality can make a mockery of our hope. 
Don't let hope ebb away. 
Feed it with the protein of God's Word.
When you lose hope, that's when the real trouble starts.
Hold fast to what you're hoping for.
Hold fast with open hands - open to God, trusting in Him.

Let faith deposit into your hope account today!

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