Thursday, December 14, 2017

Love - How and Who?

"In what areas of your life do you need Christ's light to dawn?"

That was the question posed to me this morning from my Advent reading*.

"Those areas still in darkness, yet." I wrote. "How to love, really love those I find unlovable. To love them with God's love so it's not a chore, but a joy. That's where I need light."

This is where I'm living these days. God is revealing to me more and more that my love has limits and conditions His love doesn't have. I've put those limits and conditions there.

He keeps telling me "just love them; that's all I've called you to do." And I keep replying, "Show me how, Lord. Show me how!"

My Advent time this year seems to be highlighting this over and over. The second day of my Advent devotions, the question was posed, "Think of three people who are not easy to love. What would it look like to love those people with God's love?"

To that question, I responded, "I think of two people in particular that I have found hard to love in the past - but in getting to know them better - spending time with them, has caused my heart to change toward them. The third person will not allow me to get to know her, so what helps is to continually step up to God's challenge to me to do the loving thing, be interested, and care."

I was impressed with myself that day, that I had actually been able to learn to love two people who had been difficult to love in the past and now I could remove them from "the list."

My good impression of myself didn't last very long, however! Later that day, I was at a Christmas brunch and God strategically placed a woman at my table who wasn't in my top three, but should have been! I had to chuckle as I realized how God had set me up!!  And I was thankful, really, I was! that He is still working on this area of my heart and answering my prayers. Although this woman was the last person I wanted to be with that morning, and I admit it wasn't easy, I saw it as God's plan. He wasn't going to let me pat myself on the back for too long, when there was still much work to be done!!

Later, in reviewing my Advent devotional answer, I found what I thought God was trying to show me. "...but in getting to know them better - spending time with them,....."

This, I think for me, right now, is the key. Getting to know someone, spending time with them, listening to them and hearing their heart; THIS I think is what will cause love to grow in my heart for them - genuine love. This is what I know God is asking of me. Am I willing to give of my time to get to know someone? Someone who, in my flesh, I really don't care to get to know? Can - no, am I willing to give my time and attention the way He would? That morning, I now realize, at the Christmas brunch - He was giving me opportunity to do just that!! Opportunity!! - ah, if I would only see it, God gives opportunity all the time! (Side note - stay tuned. Opportunity - this is my word for 2018; I'll be writing more on this later.)

I am beginning to see, through this, what will bring forth the joy in my heart I desire.  When I continually position myself to receive His love, I will overflow with that love to others. As I was formed out of the overflow of the love of the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), I was formed for love and to love. Out of the overflow of that love, my heart was made to overflow with love! I need to be at the place in Him where I am willing to invest my time and energy where He designates because I am desirous of returning love to Him. And it pleases Him when I am a willing vessel of His love to others. So, when He presents opportunity, I need to be ready and willing!

So, my prayer continues to be, "Show me how, Lord. Show me how to walk this love out. Show me who, Lord. Show me who needs to receive an expression of your love today."

*Advent Devotional - The Greatest Gift by Ann Voskamp

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