Well, it’s the beginning of a new year. It’s that time again that a lot of people resolve to be better, to do better, to try harder at all of that; to lose weight, exercise, work harder, spend less, etc, etc. I don’t know that I really understand the significance people give to that, but I guess it makes one hopeful to think they can have a “clean slate” to try to live better. Thing is, research shows that most people break their resolve (resolution) within the first three weeks of the new year.
But, isn’t this what Jesus gives us in all our moments, not just at the beginning of a new year? We have been given by Christ the incredible grace to be able to confess our sins, at any moment in time, and He gives forgiveness (a clean slate) because of the work of the cross. Thank you, LORD!
Jesus gives new beginnings whenever we need
them. The greatest new beginning of all is to acknowledge our need of a Savior;
to acknowledge that we can’t simply resolve to change and expect any hope of
lasting change unless we submit to the only One who can actually give lasting
change. That is a new beginning.........
So, I don’t have any resolutions to make; I just desire this
year, to grow in the knowledge and grace of my LORD. I want to be quick to
confess as the Holy Spirit convicts and trust God to change my heart, thus, the
hope that my actions will then change.
I want to grow in the knowledge of the Word, to understand
and know what it says to me, to keep me from being deceived by other voices out there promising change, but having no way of delivering.
I want to love better – help me, LORD!
I want to abide.
I want to be diligent in the disciplines, allowing them to
make God more precious to me.
All these “wants” are possible with the help and grace of
the Holy Spirit, leading and guiding me. But I do need to “cooperate” with the
Holy Spirit, acknowledging when He convicts and leads in paths my flesh may not
want to take, repenting when necessary and as often as necessary, submitting to His work to enable
real change in my heart.
One of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite authors
says this, “At the end of the day, the heart of life is the vertical
relationship, and what we do before the Lord in bringing our hearts to Him is
where change really happens.” David
Real change happens in the heart. It’s not a resolution or
even a determination. And no matter how much resolve or determination we manage
to drum up, it will eventually let us down. Another David Powlison quote,
“Christ-less, grace-less attempts at change conclude either with the praise of
your own glory or with your shame.”
Real change only happens when we do “real” business with the One who can change a heart.
So, this year instead of resolving or determining to do or
be something or someone different, I am bringing my “wants” to the LORD, and getting down to
business by allowing Him to examine my heart and lead me to repentance when needed, then I endeavor to continue to listen each time He brings conviction, continually
going back to Him for a new beginning, a “clean slate,” knowing His forgiveness
is always granted.
“So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4:16-18a
Won't you join me in getting "down to business" with Jesus instead of making a resolution that you may have already broken? It is January 7th........!
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