“And the two disciples heard him [John the Baptist] speak, and they followed Jesus. Then Jesus turned, and saw them following, and said unto them, What seek ye? They said unto him, Rabbi (Master), where do you live? He said unto them, Come and see. They came and saw where he dwelt, and abode with him that day: for it was about the tenth hour.” John 1:37-39
scripture is one I’ve gone back to time and again over the past several months,
maybe even a year. I keep hearing Jesus say to me, “Come and see” at various
times and in many different situations.
The first thing that strikes me in this passage is that Jesus turned around and willingly engaged with the disciples. They were just following Him and at that point, had not required anything of Him, had not even spoken to Him, yet He turned around and actively engaged with them. My paraphrase of what He asked them – What do you want? In other words, why are you following me?
It’s also interesting to me that they didn’t directly answer His question. I wonder if perhaps they didn’t know how to answer that question or even know themselves what they wanted from Him or why they were following Him. They didn’t even really know or understand who exactly He was yet. But what they said to Him, instead of answering His question, was another question – “where do you live?” I’ve pondered that a lot. What kind of question is that and why would they want to know? Did where He lived even matter?
But He didn’t seem to find this question strange. He simply said “Come and see.” He invited them to come and see. So not only did He willingly engage with them, He invited them into His world. In our world, we wouldn’t often invite someone we just met into our home, but He did.
And yet,
Isn’t this the invitation He gives us every day?
Isn’t this what He says to us every day?
Come and see where
I live.
Come into my world.
Come and abide with
To me,
this whole scripture is an invitation to abide with Him and in Him. I think
much and pray much about abiding in Him. It’s where I most long to be, but it’s
also the place I walk away from more often than not. I usually spend the first
part of my day in His presence, praying, reading, seeking and worshiping, but
then I leave the “secret place,” walk into the world and find myself sometimes
forgetting what I just shared with Him and what He just shared with me. I walk
away from Him and into the cares of my world, forgetting that He goes with me.
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