The wonder of this season sometimes escapes me. I am too familiar with this story so I often overlook so much that isn't said; so much that isn't part of "the story."
I mouth religious platitudes to show I'm just pious enough to appreciate the moment. I often take for granted the miracle that occurred that night.
Help me to reclaim the wonder of what and who you became when you voluntarily left your warm, safe, cozy throne for the stinky, smelly manger and the confines of a body. The limitations of time and space you submitted to are hard for me to understand, having always only known them.
Help me to see, really see Mary and Joseph for who they were, flawed humans just like me, being used by the Almighty to fulfill His purposes. They were nothing special, but He knew their hearts could be entrusted with this part of His greater plan.
The days ahead for Mary, Joseph and even Jesus after this night were only completely captured safe in the Master's hand until that fateful day when Jesus would fulfill His part in the plan of our gracious, heavenly Father.
What is the part you have assigned to me, Almighty God? What have you entrusted to me? I need your help to see what that is and to be faithful to it. Give me eyes to see and faith to believe. Help me to not diminish the part you have given me. May I be able to pray along with Mary, "Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word."
"My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior.....For he that is mighty hath done to me great things; and holy is his name."
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