Disclaimer: This is NOT a political post, but the example I begin with is necessary because it's what started my thoughts going in this direction.
So, a few weeks ago I came across a post on social media; it was actually a news feed - a certain political figure was blaming our president for the coronavirus. I'm sure he spoke out of genuine concern and frustration, but he said if our president didn't do something, thousands of people would die. I actually responded to that news feed with this comment: "Trump is not God. You are looking to the wrong source." Just what do we expect him to do? Wave a magic wand and it will be all over?
After I posted this, my thoughts kept coming back to it. I started asking myself these questions: Who is my source? Who am I turning to during this outbreak? Do I expect the president and our government to stop this pandemic? Do I look to them for solutions when I should be looking to the Lord? Am I looking to the supermarket for my provisions? Am I looking to the government for my financial needs to be met? Am I looking to the stock market to keep my retirement funds secure? Am I looking to outside resources for my sustenance? WHO is my source?
I think we can all agree that this situation is totally out of anyone's control. President Trump can't stop the spread of the virus, neither can we. No scientist, no medical expert, no pastor or even a great man of God, can stop the spread. There are definitely steps that we can and should take to help prevent the spread, but we can't control it. This is something completely beyond our control. And that is what is so frustrating for people. And because of our frustration, we are pointing fingers and demanding that someone, anyone do something about it. But no one can!! We are looking to the wrong source.
I admit I have been through many conflicting emotions in the 32 days I have been in quarantine. I have been angry, worried, judgmental, in denial, wondering about the future. I have disagreed with some of the calls of government officials and in agreement with others. I understand both sides of the issue and right now I'm frustrated thinking things economically will only get worse. Even though the spread of Covid-19 is on the decline and most states are now looking to get back to a new normal, the days ahead still don't look that promising. But then, the gentle voice of the Holy Spirit brings me back to the true Source and the only Source that can give me peace. "He will keep in perfect peace, he whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusts in thee." Isaiah 26:3
When I come back to the true Source, I find peace and assurance that God IS in control. This pandemic did not take Him by surprise. I believe He is a good God, so I believe He will create good out of this bad.
If I believe that God is my Source, then I need to trust that He knows my needs and He will provide for them. In this moment in time, I have all I need. And I turn to God and say, "I don't need more at this moment, but when I do, I trust that you will provide at just that moment."
Most of us have cell phones and they come with chargers, but it takes more than just plugging the charger cord into the phone. We have to plug it into the source of electricity in order for it to be charged and usable again. It's not enough to know there's a God; it's not enough to have a charger cord; we have to use it.
Jesus expressed it this way - "Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can you, except you abide in me. I am the vine, you are the branches. He that abides in me, and I in him, the same brings forth much fruit; for without me you can do nothing." John 15:4, 5
The charger cord cannot produce electricity unless it is plugged into the source and we cannot produce fruit unless we are plugged into our Source - the source that produces the fruit of peace in the midst of anxiety.
May we always seek from our true source. Lord, help me!